Manuscript Program: Next Steps with Joy
Applying for Residencies, Conferences, Grants, & Other Opportunities
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Class Description
For Manuscript Program recent "grads" only, this two-hour session with PVWW Founder Joy Baglio aims to offer additional support around opportunities that writers can pursue next, alongside publication, and in particular share some resources and ideas about further building writing resumes, beyond just publication. We'll touch on the process of applying to conferences, residencies, fellowships, grants, as well as querying (and other approaches) to finding an agent. We'll look at online resources that exist, such as Publisher's Marketplace, query tracker, among others, and Joy will show helpful examples from her own applications. This can all get very informational, but we'll try to structure this around a Q&A format, and begin with YOUR questions, which can then launch us into the different areas we'll cover. This is a FREE session for Manuscript Program writers, though you must RSVP. JOY DEVA BAGLIO is the Founder / Director of Pioneer Valley Writers' Workshop. Her short fiction has appeared widely in such journals as Ploughshares, The Missouri Review, Tin House, American Short Fiction, Conjunctions, Apex, The Iowa Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, Fairy Tale Review, and elsewhere, and two stories have been optioned for film/TV. Recent honors include fellowships, residencies, and grants from Yaddo, Ragdale, Vermont Studio Center, The Elizabeth George Foundation, The Speculative Literature Foundation, Bread Loaf, Sewanee, and The Kerouac Project, where she was the spring 2023 writer-in-residence. Joy holds an MFA from The New School and is represented by Peter Steinberg at United Talent Agency (UTA) and Sean Daily (for film/TV). She writes and shares craft-related thoughts in a free writing Substack (Alone in a Room).

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