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10-Month Manuscript Program 
​at Pioneer Valley Writers' Workshop

Application for Returning Students For All Sections

Application Deadline: December 15, 2023

About the 10-Month Manuscript Program

The 10-Month Manuscript Program at PVWW is for writers in any genre who are serious and committed to completing (or revising) a book-length manuscript over the course of ten months. The program is completely virtual, intensive and comprehensive, and was designed in the spirit of building a community of writers committed to supporting each other through the rigorous and sometimes lonely process of drafting (or revising) a full manuscript. Each workshop within the program is limited to ten writers, meets (virtually) once a month for three hours, and also involves communication and interaction with classmates between meetings via an easy-to-access online classroom space (Google Classrooms). At their core, PVWW's Manuscript Program workshops are centered around giving and receiving feedback, craft instruction, building a supportive community, and the push toward completing a full-length manuscript. Over the course of ten months, writers in the program will be guided to set active, clear goals that will help them both get to the finish line and better understand craft elements related to their genre. The program is open to writers at all stages of the process, in any genre, and while it offers some flexibility in terms of workload, it does require a rigorous commitment to the work, a clear project in mind, as well as a commitment to the other writers in the cohort and the various aspects of the program. If you have not already, we highly recommend you review the 10-Month Manuscript Program page before applying.

About the Instructors


BLAIR HURLEY is the author of The Devoted, which was longlisted for The Center for Fiction's First Novel Prize. Her second novel, Minor Prophets, was published in 2023. Her work has been published in New England Review, Electric Literature, The Georgia Review, Guernica, Paris Review Daily, West Branch, and elsewhere. She is a Pushcart Prize winner and an ASME Fiction award finalist. Find her online at



- For writers with a completed first draft

LIZ HARMER is the author of the novels The Amateurs (2018) and Strange Loops (2023). Her stories, essays, and poems have been published at the Globe & Mail, The Walrus, Best Canadian Stories, The New Quarterly, Hazlitt, Image Journal, and elsewhere. A recent fellow at the Bread Loaf and Sewanee Writers’ Conferences, she was also the runner-up for the Mitchell Prize in poetry. She’s the winner of a National Magazine Award for Personal Journalism, a CRAFT Literary Creative Nonfiction Award, and the WAGs-ProQuest Award Distinguished Masters Thesis, among other prizes. She teaches in the MFA program at Chapman University. Find her online at



CAROLYN ZAIKOWSKI is the author of the hybrid novels In Dream, I Dance by Myself, and I Collapse (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2016) and A Child Is Being Killed (Aqueous Books, 2013). Her fiction, poetry, and essays have appeared in The Washington Post, Denver Quarterly, The Rumpus, PANK, West Branch, DIAGRAM, Everyday Feminism, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Naropa University's Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics and is currently an English professor and volunteer death doula. Find her online at



KIM ADRIAN is the author of the critically acclaimed memoir, The Twenty-Seventh Letter of the Alphabet, Sock (a Bloomsbury's Object Lessons book), and Dear Knausgaard, which James Wood (literary critic for The New Yorker) described as “a delight from start to finish.” She edited The Shell Game: Writers Play with Borrowed Forms, and wrote the libretto for the chamber opera "The Strange Child." Several of her short stories and essays have been listed as Notable or Distinguished in the Best American Essays, Best American Short Stories, and Pushcart Prize anthologies. Her work has garnered many awards and recognitions, including, most recently, a fellowship from the Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus in Bavaria, Germany. Find her online at

Blair Hurley
Novel First Draft

Liz Harmer photo Virginia (2).jpg

Liz Harmer
Novel Revision

Carolyn Zaikowski
Poetry/Hybrid & CNF


Kim Adrian

Application for the 2024
0-Month Manuscript Program
For Returning Students in All Workshops

Before you begin: Please be aware that this application form does not autosave and should be completed in one sitting. We estimate this may take 15 - 30 minutes. We strongly recommend saving your answers to the short answer questions in a separate document. We also strongly recommend that you read through everything on the 10-Month Manuscript Program first and understand fully what this program entails before submitting your application.


All applications must be received on or before December 15, 2023 to be considered for the 2024 program year.

Please fill out the form below.

Which section(s) of the Manuscript Program were you a part of during a/the previous year?
Which section of th 10-Month Manucript Progra are you applying to be in, for the upcomig year? (Please note: Novel Revision applicants must have a complete draft of a novel at the start of the program, in Mach.)
If applicable to your manuscript and/or writing goals, please let us know your SECOND CHOICE if you do not get into your first choice workshop group:
It's important to the cohesiveness of each workshop in the program that all students engage with the Google Classroom. While some of the materials will likely remain the same (if you are applying to be in the same workshop), how engaged with this aspect of the course do you foresee yourself being? (Note: Materials and Google Classroom structure may change with a change of istructors.)
Outside of unforeseen emergencies that would require you to withdraw, how serious are you about attending all class meetings (once a month), engaging with all aspects of the program, and sticking with your workshop group over the course of ten months?

Work Sample

Payment & Policies

The cost of the 10-Month Manuscript Program is $2,500 ($3,400 for the Novel Revision Workshop). This raise in cost from the previous year is due to our need to pay instructors an equitable wage for the extensive time and commitment this program entails. Pioneer Valley Writers' Workshop does not have the ability to offer financial aid or scholarships for participation in the program, except in very rare cases. We have the ability to accommodate a limited number of payment plans for those who need it, although this requires additional setup, which will happen upon acceptance into the program. If accepted into the program, are you able to pay the full tuition by the end of February, 2024, when it is due?

Refund Policy: Except in the case of serious unforeseen medical emergencies early in the program, we are unable to refund participants who need to withdraw from the program midway through the year, or at any point after deposits have been made. This policy is strictly upheld. Each section of the program is small, admission is selective, and frequent withdrawals undermine the integrity and sustainability of this program. For this reason, we must make sure that all applicants understand and accept this policy.

We're so happy you want to continue in the Manuscript Program! We look forward to reviewing your application and hope to let everyone know their status in January.

Pioneer Valley Writers' Workshop

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