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Our Courses

One-Day Classes

One Day Writing Classes

Short, single-session classes, seminars, and lectures, with inspiring authors 

One-Day Classes run 2 - 3 hours and focus on particular writing-related craft, process, or publishing/career-related topics. They often emphasize the development and honing of specific skills, through craft instruction, lecture, analysis of published work, in-class writing exercises, and discussion. One-Day Classes are an opportunity to dip a toe into writing instruction (if you're new to writing), get a burst of inspiration about a particular topic, and be part of a supportive writing group for an afternoon! Unless stated, they DO NOT entail outside reading or the opportunity to receive feedback on your work. Limited to 12 writers (in most cases), yet occasionally larger "lecture" seminars are offered.

Multi-Week Workshos

Multi-Week Writing Courses

Weekly writing courses focusing on a range of genres and styles

Multi-Week Courses meet weekly (via Zoom) for the stated number of weeks and include a mix of weekly deadlines, reading and/or writing assignments, and either a focus on generative work (producing new writing during the course) or giving / receiving feedback on workshop-ready pieces. Multi-week workshops are more rigorous in focus than our Ongoing Writing Groups and our One-Day Classes and require a commitment for the length of the course; they usually also require at least a few hours of work per week outside of class. They are always supportive in nature and a great way to build a regular writing practice and cultivate a writing community. *** Please note that not all multi-week courses offer opportunities for feedback, so make sure to read the course description thoroughly! *** Most multi-week courses are limited to 10 writers.

Ongoing Groups

Ongoing Writing Groups

Generative, no-workload groups for those wanting to make time for writing

Ongoing Writing Groups are generative in focus, with no outside workload, for writers interested in making more time in their life for writing (whether for current projects or new ones), connecting with other writers, and building a supportive community around their writing practice. They meet weekly, for a set number of weeks (usually 6 or 8), followed by a 3 - 4-week break, before continuing on for another session, and so forth. Gatherings will include a mix of in-class writing time, optional prompts and exercises, opportunities to share work aloud for on-the-spot feedback, and craft discussions, and each group may evolve and change based on the needs and interests of the participants. Registration happens one session at a time, yet all current group members will get priority in signing up for the next session, if they choose to. Each Ongoing Writing Group is limited to 10 writers and open to all levels and backgrounds. 

Pioneer Valley Writers' Workshop

Pioneer Valley Writers' Workshop

A literary arts center for writers

Based in Northampton, Massachusetts, USA and founded in 2016.

Contact Us: +1 518-645-1113,

©2023 by Pioneer Valley Writers' Workshop.

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